Why Nobody Believes the Numbers:
The Outcomes Measurement Guide for Grown-Ups
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Find Out MoreJust when you think it's safe to go back in the data: Wellnet Helps The Scooter Store Reduce Claims by 44%
The Scooter Store believes that their medical and drug claims declined 22% from 2009-2010. Since only half the employees participated in the program, that works out to a 44% reduction in costs for the 50% who did participate.
With a typical claims distribution among hospital, ER, physician, drugs etc, a 44% reduction in total costs would wipe out all hospital and ER expense, including birth events for all participants, with no increase in drugs or preventive physician care to offset the reduction.
Viewed in a different way, the 22% overall reduction attributed to the wellness program exceeds the theoretical maximum avoidable by eliminating all admissions due to the AHRQ's list of ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (ACSC) for the 50% of employees who participated in the program...while also eliminating all admissions for ACSC for the 50% who did not participate, and roughly 1000 of their closest friends.
And it was all achieved in the first year of the program.
Yes, I know what you are going to ask; Was there a plausibility test? Answer, of course not. As most of you know by now, I'm always recommending plausibility tests. That's probably why I never get invited to parties.
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Email: alewis@dismgmt.com