Why Nobody Believes the Numbers:
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Find Out MoreOne Way To Cut Costs: Eliminate Spell-Checking
The following is from The High Road: www.cut-healthcare-cost.com/faq.html#q5
- Do you have examples from companies that have been able to cut their health care cost by 30% - 50%?
Yes, there are several companies that have been able to cut their health care costs by 30 - 50%. A well know example is Lincoln Plating, a mid-size manufacturing company in Nebreska.
P.S. It should also go without saying that a 30%-50% reduction in health care costs is, of course, impossible with a wellness program. However, since there seem to be a few well-know companies in Nebreska who believe this, we feel compelled to say it anyway. Also, just in case those well-know companies in Nebreska are reading this, we might as well debunk another myth which they may believe too: There is no such thing as a tooth fairy.
890 Winter Street, Suite 208
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781 856 3962
Fax: 781 884 4150
Email: alewis@dismgmt.com